USAMRDC Volunteer Opportunities - STEM Educational Outreach

The United States Army Medical Research and Development Command (USAMRDC) wants to help build the bench of future scientists and engineers by providing opportunities for students to learn science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in hands-on activities. In order to do so, we need the help of volunteers to help teach scientific skills and pass on career knowledge to the students. By building connections between the current workforce and the rising workforce, it gives students an opportunity to learn about careers they may have never known existed or gives them a path on how to reach the goals they have already created for themselves. USAMRDC offers many opportunities to volunteer with the STEM Educational Outreach program throughout the year. If you are interested in volunteering please email us at to learn about current opportunities or to be added to our volunteer database to stay informed about future opportunities.

Career Speakers

Career talks provide current scientists and engineers an opportunity to talk about their current career and the path they took to get there. They also give students the opportunity to ask questions that may help them determine what career they want to pursue in the future. Career talks are held predominately in the summer during the Gains in the Education of Mathematics and Science Program (GEMS). We also have volunteers give career talks at local educational clubs and schools throughout the rest of the year.

Subject Matter Experts

Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) pass on their scientific skills by teaching students the fundamentals of laboratory work or a more in depth look at a particular skill. While teaching the students about a skill, SMEs also give students an opportunity to talk one-on-one with current professionals in a field they are interested in and make valuable connections. We utilize SMEs for both the GEMS program and the STEM Mini-Series. Some of the skills we look for in SMEs are DNA Analysis, Electrophoresis, Suturing, Dissection Skills, Coding, Water Testing, Fingerprint Analysis, Basic Laboratory Techniques, Coding, Lego Robotics, Circuitry, and Chemistry.


Mentors are STEM professionals who provide guidance, support, and input to students throughout internships. We have a variety of internships that place in high school to post graduate school students in laboratories. As a mentor, you would assign work to the students and make sure they have the information and skills to successfully complete the given assignments. An internship gives students a valuable one-of-a-kind experience that allows them to expand their current skills and grow their interest in a particular field.


There are a variety of programs that need current STEM professionals to serve as judges. These programs include the Junior Science and Humanities Symposium (JSHS), eCYBERMISSION, and Junior Solar Sprint (JSS). Judges at these competitions give students a chance to grow by exercising critical thinking skills and presenting skills as well as receiving constructive criticism in the area of science and engineering.


Last Modified Date: 18 November 2024